Monday, February 7, 2011

Alexander The Great vs Iskandar Zulkarnain

Alexander The Great was a leader in the 3rd century BC who conquered the world of mainland Greece, the Mediterranean, Egypt, Asia Minor, Persia to northern India. The name was enshrined into the city in Egypt, Alexandria or Alexandria.
There is an opinion that says that Alexander the Great is Iskandar Zulkarnain (Zulkarnain told in the name of Al-Quran surah Al-Kahf verses 83-99), but this is not Alexander even if we read a similar plot of "place of sunset" is the region Alexander's first tenure (the sun sets on the Mediterranean coast), to the east (India) and the two mountains (between the Black Sea and Caspian Sea).

Which is correct? fact history does not indicate that Alexander The Great is Zulkarnain mentioned in the Qur'an (in the Qur'an is simply called Zulkarnain, without Iskandar). Who Zulkarnain mentioned in the Qur'an? Is someone in the past or the future? No one knows, but we can take the wisdom his story and continue to seek interpretation and the facts of what has been mentioned in the Koran. Please read also the article on the Faith Freedom, Eramoslem and Swara Muslim.
Here are excerpts translated Al-Quran on Zulkarnain: 83. They will ask thee (Muhammad) about Zulkarnain. Say: "I'm going to read you stories about" .84. Verily We have given authority to him in the (front) of the earth, and We gave him the road (to reach) all things, 85. then he was taking a jalan.86. Until, when he reached the place of sunset, he saw the sun set in a muddy sea of black, and he found there a party of the people. We said: O Zulkarnain, you may be tortured or may do good to them ".87. Zulkarnain said: "The people who persecuted, then we will be mengazabnya, then he returned to his Lord, then God mengazabnya with punishment that does not exist taranya.88. As for those who believe and do good works, the best reward for him in return, and will we titahkan him (command) is easy from our orders ".89. Then he followed the road (another) .90. Until, when he reached the place of the rising sun (east), he found the sun was shining on a class of people that we do not make for something that protects them from the (light) the sun, 91. so. And real science We cover all that is padanya.92. Then he followed a path (yet another) .93. Until when he reached between two mountains, he found two hills before a people who scarcely understood pembicaraan.94. They said: O Zulkarnain, true Gog and Makjuj that the people who make mischief on earth, then we can give something payments to you, lest you create a wall between us and them? "95. He said: "What has been authorized by me from my Lord about it is better, then please help me with strength (personnel and tools), so I made a wall between you and them, 96. "Give me pieces of iron" Until, when iron was the same flat with the second (peak) of the mountain, said Zulkarnain: Blow (fire) ". Until, when iron was already a (red as) fire, he said: "Give me copper (boiling) to pour onto the hot iron" .97. So they could not climb it and they can not (also) melobanginya.98. He said: "This (wall) is a mercy from my Lord, and when this comes the promise of my Lord He will make it smash, and the promise of my Lord is true."
And the following is a summary of the story Alexander The Great: Alexander with his close friend Hephaestion was educated by Aristotle who was a disciple of Plato, then led the Macedonians and start uniting the cities of Greek civilization into a single unit for 13 years until his death due to illness. The idea of uniting the Greek cities were derived from his father King Philip II of Macedonia who married Olympias. At the time of Philip II conquered Byzantium (now Istanbul), Alexander who was aged 16 years left in Macedonia and managed to survive the attack and attack the kingdom Maedi Sacred Band of Thebes (an elite military force of 150 pairs of homosexual). Philip II later assassinated by Pausanias (assassin, assassin), who then led by Alexander the Macedonian throne at the age of 20. Murder of Philip II is still a mystery whether there is involvement of Alexander as Olympias divorced or may also incitement Persian King Darius III.
Alexander's first conquest was the Persian empire, led by Darius III Codomannus through war Battle of Issus (now Iskenderum, Turkey), although with the military power that only a quarter, led by generals Ptolemy than the Persian forces.
Furthermore, over the past 12 years Alexander mastered the Mediterranean coast of Egypt, then Babylon down to the territory of Pakistan and northern India today. Besides in Egypt Alexander also founded / immortalized in the following cities: * Alexandria Asiana, Iran * Alexandria in Ariana, Afghanistan * Alexandria of the Caucasus, Afghanistan * Alexandria on the Oxus, Afghanistan * Alexandria of the Arachosians, Afghanistan * Alexandria on the Indus, Pakistan * Alexandria Eschate, "The furthest", Tajikistan Maybe it is destined seputaran region of Mesopotamia (now Iraq), has always been the war until now. The story of Alexander The Great on top now immortalized by director Oliver Stone to the big screen with the title of Alexander. This entry was written Friday, November 19, 2004 at 14:48 o'clock in the Tag: international, spiritual / religious. You can follow any responses all records through the RSS 2.0 feed. You can write a comment or write your own track back on the site. NOTE: Possible TerkaitSelamat Trisna March 2nd Anniversary All for Love R. Oto Iskandar Di Nata Frank Lloyd Wright A Short Course Using Your Digital Camera Mahardhika in Baltimore Samuel Pepys Tegallega Mandrake Linux: A Short History of King Arthur and His Knights Mandrake became Mandriva Practical Home Language 47 Ronin Queen Juliana of the Netherlands.


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